Webinar Serie
Webinar SerieComprende los factores que son cruciales para el éxito de los inmunoanálisis multiplex
Únase a los expertos en inmunodetección múltiple de Bio-Rad para una serie de seminarios web que explora los muchos factores que intervienen en el diseño y la ejecución de inmunoensayos múltiplex xMAP exitosos. No solo cubriremos la tecnología y los procedimientos generales, sino que también profundizaremos en los por qué para darte una comprensión más profunda y llevarte al buen camino para el éxito. Al final de esta serie, serás un experto en multiplexación. ¡Hagámoslo!
Bio‑Plex® Multiplex Immunoassay Technology Overview and Setting Up to Run an Assay
Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 9 AM Pacific Daylight Time
Brett Houser, Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassay Product Manager, Protein Quantitation Group View speaker bio ▸
In the first webinar in this series, Brett Houser will provide an overview of Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassay technology and provide detailed experimental setup advice so you too can run successful multiplex immunoassays. Live Q&A during the last 15 minutes of the webinar.
Multiplex immunoassays continue to be an extremely powerful tool for protein detection and quantitation. Used consistently over many years and many applications, multiplex immunoassays have proven to be invaluable when broad screening of many analytes is needed. Additionally, this technique offers increased sensitivity, dynamic range, and quantitation limits over those of standard ELISA. Here we present a general overview and tips on setting up experiments to optimize your results.
Speaker Bio
Brett Houser is a Global Product Manager at Bio‑Rad Laboratories. He received a Biochemistry from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Prior to working with the Bio‑Plex product line, Brett managed protein detection consumables for mass spectrometry applications.